We are currently looking for enthusiastic and motivated students for various student assistant positions. Are you looking to improve your skills via hands-on experience in a dynamic team? If so, send your job application to us. For further information and requirements, see the below link.
Job Vacancy
The goal of this Future Fields Stage 3 activity is to lay the groundwork for a long-term coordinated research project (DFG collaborative research center application) on decisionmaking in hybrid adaptive systems. The core team of the project consists of Prof. Nieken (IBU), Prof. Weinhardt (IISM) and Prof. Mädche.
To the project
The KD²Lab welcomes Prof. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer as a new member. Prof. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer has a background in Business Administration and is head of the Digital Marketing Research Group. She is also co-director of the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM). Her focus is on substantive, interesting phenomena that arise from marketing products and services in the digital age, which she analyzes in the context of media markets and brand management.

The KD²Lab welcomes Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev as a new member. Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev has a background in Information Systems and is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His research interests are reliable, purposeful and decentralized information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, cloud computing services, information security solutions, trustworthy AI, commercial application of AI algorithms, auditing/certification of IT, and innovative health IT applications.

In our new video, we introduce you to the KD²Lab and give you all the important information about registering for the experiments.
To the video
Where is your voice heard? Which places in Karlsruhe allow you to participate and get involved?
On our discovery tour, we will go in search of opportunities to get involved in Karlsruhe. Get to know the KD²Lab, Karl9 and the Stiftung Forum Recht and find out where your voice is heard!
Further information
The colleagues of the Institute of Economics (ECON) mourn the loss of their highly esteemed colleague, Professor Dr. Nora Szech.
To the obituary
WDR (West German Broadcasting) reports on the Youtube channel Quarks on research in the fields of flow recognition and flow-adaptive notification systems performed at the human-centered systems lab.
The focus of the channel “Dimension Ralph” is to make research results in a specific domain of interest publicly available.
To the video
On April 27, we had the pleasure of welcoming twelve young girls to the lab as part of Girls Day at KIT. In cooperation with the h-lab, the participants between 11 and 16 years slipped into the role of a business information scientist. Part of the workshop was to work out the requirements for a new, interactive app in small teams and to design a prototype based on these requirements. We would like to thank the colleagues of the h-Lab as well as the participants and the organizers of the Girls Day at KIT for this nice afternoon.
Further information
On the 1st of June 2022 the KIT-Business-Club – a community of interdisciplinary experts from industry and academia – came together at the KD²Lab for essential discussions about the future of work. The event was kicked-off by presentations from Prof. Thomas Hirth (Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs, KIT), reviewing salient topics at KIT, by Prof. Petra Nieken (Chair Lead for Human Resource Management, KIT), sharing insights into her research on the “Future of Work and the Karlsruhe Decision & Design Lab”, and finally by Axel Platz (User Experience Designer, Siemens AG), presenting central understandings of “User Experience, Design & Digitalization” in the industry.
Further information
Between April and July 2022, the project wir-forschen.digital ran the participatory campaign "Home Office? Challenge accepted!”. Participants were invited to share their personal challenges in everyday home office life, in which they would like to receive support from the scientific community. Together with researchers and students, potential solutions were developed.
Participate now!
In their new article "How voice retailers can predict customer mood and how they can use that information" published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Ingo Halbauer and Martin Klarmann present the results of two studies they conducted at KD²Lab. Using machine learning, they investigated how to recognize the mood of customers from their voice commands and how to use this knowledge. The authors demonstrated that voice store providers are more likely to sell higher-priced premium brands to customers who are in a good mood. In addition, they can improve their decisions by providing them with additional information.
To the publication
The German broadcaster ARD recently published a documentary about robots as our partners of the future. The documentary featured our doctoral researcher Florian Onur Kuhlmeier, who is designing a chatbot to treat depression in youth (CADY). He spoke about why such a chatbot is necessary, how humans can form relationships with chatbots, what the project's roadmap looks like and how large language models (such as GPT-3) will enable the next generation of intelligent chatbots to support mental health. The documentary was recorded in the KD2Lab. Florian and the CADY project are funded by the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW) as part of their PhD scholarship programme.
To the media center (KD²Lab from minute 16)
"Wissen Hoch2" was a guest at the KD²Lab as part of the science documentary on "The Curse of Winning - Auctions in Competition". On Thursday, October 14 at 8:15 pm, the documentary was broadcast on 3sat. The contribution to the KD²Lab around Christof Weinhardt and his team starts at minute 16.45.
To the 3Sat media centre
As part of the Excellence University project "KIT Future Fields" (stage 2), Prof. Weinhardt (IISM), Prof. Mädche (IISM), Prof. Nieken (IBU), Prof. Scheibehenne (IISM), Prof. Szech (ECON), Prof. Volkamer (AIFB), and Prof. Woll (IfSS) have received funding approval for their interdisciplinary project proposal for a term of 18 months.
To KD²Ex
Melanie Volkamer is a full professor of Security Engineering at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB). She leads the research group on SecurityUsabilitySociety (SECUSO) and is a PI of the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL). She has a background in computer science and in particular in information security. Melanie Volkamer is interested in usable security and privacy mechanisms and effective security and privacy awareness. The research approach taken is the so called human centered security by design approach which includes interviews in the requirements phase, focus groups in the design phase and various types of user studies in the validation phase.

Prof. Christof Weinhardt (IISM), Prof. Alexander Mädche (IISM), Prof. Petra Nieken (IBU), Prof. Benjamin Scheibehenne (IISM), Prof. Nora Szech (ECON), Prof. Melanie Volkamer (AIFB), and Prof. Alexander Woll (IFSS), have jointly received funding to establish the Karlsruhe Decision & Design Experimentation Ecosystem (KD²Ex). The funding within the framework of a KIT Future Fields special call for investments enables new forms of participatory research: Digital Citizen Science with a focus on the area of "Wellbeing at Home".

The KD²Lab welcomes Benjamin Scheibehenne as a new member. Benjamin Scheibehenne is a full professor of Consumer and User Behavior at the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM). He has a background in experimental psychology and is interested in how people make judgement and decisions in an economic context. Towards this goal, he conducts behavioral experiments, develops and estimates cognitive mathematical models and and engages in quantitative data analyses.